Articles under category:
Semidefinite Programming
Semidefinite Programming
Vol 20, Article 6 (pp 1-23)
On a Generalization of Iterated and Randomized Rounding by Nikhil Bansal |
Vol 13, Article 15 (pp 1-24)
Tight Hardness of the Non-Commutative Grothendieck Problem by Jop Briƫt, Oded Regev, and Rishi Saket |
Vol 13, Article 3 (pp 1-24)
[APRX-RND15 Spec Issue]
Towards a Characterization of Approximation Resistance for Symmetric CSPs by Venkatesan Guruswami and Euiwoong Lee |
Vol 10, Article 13 (pp 341-358)
[APRX-RND12 Spec Issue]
Approximation Algorithm for Non-Boolean Max-k-CSP by Konstantin Makarychev and Yury Makarychev |
Vol 10, Article 11 (pp 257-295)
Efficient Rounding for the Noncommutative Grothendieck Inequality by Assaf Naor, Oded Regev, and Thomas Vidick |
Vol 8, Article 12 (pp 269-289)
SDP Gaps from Pairwise Independence by Siavosh Benabbas, Konstantinos Georgiou, Avner Magen, and Madhur Tulsiani |
Vol 5, Article 11 (pp 217-238)
Semidefinite Programs for Completely Bounded Norms by John Watrous |
Vol 5, Article 4 (pp 83-117)
SDP Gaps and UGC-hardness for Max-Cut-Gain by Subhash Khot and Ryan O'Donnell |