Volume 14 (2018)
Article 17 pp. 1-25
New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Circuits With Linear Threshold Gates
Received: June 28, 2015
Revised: June 4, 2018
Published: December 10, 2018
Keywords: circuit complexity, satisfiability algorithms, linear threshold functions
ACM Classification: F.1.1, F.2.3, G.1.6
AMS Classification: 68Q15, 68Q17, 68Q15
[Plain Text Version]
\newcommand \poly {{\operatorname{poly}}}
\newcommand \SYM {{\sf SYM}}
\newcommand \THR {{\sf THR}}
\newcommand \ACC {{\sf ACC}}
\newcommand \NEXP {{\sf NEXP}}
\newcommand \eps {{\varepsilon}}
Let \ACC \circ \THR be the class of constant-depth circuits comprised of AND, OR, and MOD m gates (for some constant m > 1), with a bottom layer of gates computing arbitrary linear threshold functions. This class of circuits can be seen as a “midpoint” between \ACC (where we know nontrivial lower bounds) and depth-two linear threshold circuits (where nontrivial lower bounds remain open). We give an algorithm for evaluating an arbitrary symmetric function of 2^{n^{o(1)}} \ACC \circ \THR circuits of size 2^{n^{o(1)}}, on all possible inputs, in 2^n \cdot \poly(n) time. Several consequences are derived:
The number of satisfying assignments to an \ACC\circ\THR circuit of 2^{n^{o(1)}} size is computable in 2^{n-n^{\eps}} time (where \eps > 0 depends on the depth and modulus of the circuit).
\NEXP does not have quasi-polynomial size \ACC \circ \THR circuits, and \NEXP does not have quasi-polynomial size \ACC \circ \SYM circuits. Nontrivial size lower bounds were not known even for {\sf AND} \circ {\sf OR} \circ \THR circuits.
Every 0-1 integer linear program with n Boolean variables and s linear constraints is solvable in 2^{n-\Omega(n/\log^4(sM(\log n)))}\cdot \poly(s,n,M) time with high probability, where M \leq 2^{n^{o(1)}}
is an upper bound on
the bit complexity of the coefficients. (For example, 0-1 integer programs with weights in [-2^{n^{o(1)}},2^{n^{o(1)}}] and \poly(n) constraints can be solved in 2^{n-\Omega(n/\log^4 n)} time.)
We also present an algorithm for evaluating depth-two linear threshold circuits (also known as \THR \circ \THR) with exponential weights and 2^{n/24} size on all 2^n input assignments, running in 2^n \cdot \poly(n) time. This is evidence that non-uniform lower bounds for \THR \circ \THR are within reach.